Rose Ann ➳ Maternity by Abigail Smith

The beauty of carrying a blessing in your belly, there are no words to describe it 💕

“The newly minted maternal heart, it completely melted into mush, the oxytocin I know now, had kicked in, and how. I would fight tigers barehanded, climb down cliffs, throw myself in the path of a speeding car, and even do calculus again if I needed to, for this child.” 
― Kiran Manral

Nova's First Birthday Party by Abigail Smith

This darling is back, this time with photos of her very first birthday celebration. Mom went all out with a milestone board, a time capsule for her to open on her 18th birthday, delicious snacks, cakes and beautiful decor. The jumping castle was a hit with the kids. Nova was squeezed and kissed by all the visitors (especially her granny) and had fun smashing her cake, opening gifts and proudly showing off her new found skill… walking.