
Olivia & Sylvia ➳ Lifestyle Session by Abigail Smith

The first principles of the camera were written down around between 470-390 BC and belong to the Chinese philosopher Mozi, he referred to this device as a “collecting plate” or charmingly … a “locked treasure room”.

The camera or the concept has been around for an astonishingly long time and painstakingly perfected, today basically everyone has a camera with them at any given moment, why I wonder? I think as humans we’ve always wanted to capture, freeze in time, relive and share the memories of our experiences that which is most important and precious to us. I cannot think of a better use of this incredible invention than to freeze in time the ages and stages of the ones we most love.

Capturing these little treasures just going about their every day little lives made for one of my favourite session ever… how can it be work when you’re having so much fun 😜I like to think of mom and dad looking back on these photos years from now and feeling their hearts swell with love remembering their girls at this precious age.

Emma ➳ Lifestyle Newborn Portraits by Abigail Smith

I just love watching moms and dads with their sweet little babes, lovingly touching them, stroking their backs and kissing their little heads gives me all the feels. It’s always such a privilege to document these cherished moments.

“Making a decision to have a child–it’s momentous. It is to decide forever to have your heart go walking around outside your body.”
~ Elizabeth Stone

Olivia ➳ Lifestyle Newborn Portraits by Abigail Smith

Isn't Olivia's nursery just to die for? What a beautiful little family with such a love for their precious new addition; Olivia.  

"If only you knew, the sunlight shines a little brighter, the weight of the world's a little lighter, the stars lean in a little closer all because of you" ~ Sleeping At Last

Annelize & her curl of poodles 🐩 by Abigail Smith

Annelize with her very lively little brood. Cloe, the baby of the family, didn't stop for a moment, her favourite activity appears to be licking and she has a thing for socks!  The eldest, sweet Dori, really had her patience tested by Cloe but she took it all in her stride and behaved like a perfect lady, her weakness is a toy hotdog. Q is 5 years old, he is gentle and sweet and his favourite place to be is on Annelize's lap.  Eva is relaxed and sweet and she just loves to be loved and cuddled.